Observatory - Fun Science with Amadeo!
Kids | Tweens | Teens
Please Note: This is an archived page for an event held in 2023

Come enjoy some amazing astronomy demonstrations and activities at the Beverley Begg Observatory!

This event has been cancelled: Unfortunately, Amadeo's shows for the science festival have had to be cancelled. He will make a full recovery, but had an accident this past weekend and will need to take it easy for a few weeks. He really looks forward to bringing his shows back for Nanofest and seeing you next year!



Enjoy some amazing astronomy demonstrations and activities at the Beverley Begg Observatory. We'll be making a comet, sending marshmallows to the vacuum of space and much more! There are two events, one during the day and one at night.

Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

To find the Beverly-Begg Observatory, park in Ross Street and follow the path beside the rugby field. Please note there are no toilet facilities available at the observatory.