Little Creatures
Kids | Tweens | Teens | Adults | All Ages

Flex your creative muscles and take part in a unique three-step process to create little creatures.

What little creatures can you dream up? Flex your creative muscles and take part in a unique, three-step artistic process to create little creatures. One person writes a creature description, the next person draws the creature based on its description, and a third will sculpt it out of modelling clay! All three steps of the process will be on display as they are developed, drawn and sculpted. Write up a creature description of your own and see how it evolves in the hands of others.

Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

This activity is based on 'Creatures', an original work by Luke Easterbrook-Clarke and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. For more information or to see more of Luke's work, visit:

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