Youth ROBOTICS Artplay
Tweens | Teens
Please Note: This is an archived page for an event held in 2023

Can a robot do your homework? Let's see if we can get one to do simple tasks! With Inventorslab@petridish & special guest KUKA the robot.

Can a robot do your homework?

See if you can instruct a virtual Robot to draw something on a computer and then test to see if your design can be produced on a real robot (Otago Polytechnic’s mini KUKA robot). You should be able to take your robotically drawn design home. Of course the applications are endless - just think what other tasks a robot could do for you...

It's a simple demonstration at first but it unlocks the potentual that robotics and automation can have on our everyday lives. This could be remote surgery, under sea welding, or someone just wanting a robot to tidy up their room.

Start thinking about what you could do with a robot. You will use a software product called RoboDK which allows you to programme many types of industural robots, starting simple - just have the robot do a drawing using a pen - or get right into the technical aspects of what it is like to control a 6-axis robot.

This is very hands-on but once you have worked out what you want to do, see if you can make an actual robot perform the task. 

This event will be held in the Dunningham Suite, on the 4th floor of the Dunedin Public Library.